AlmaLinux 9.5 base VM
My Setup I need to upgrade a number of my VMs from CentOS7 to AlmaLinux 9.5, this post is about creating a base VM that can be cloned for multiple purposes. At the moment my home lab is on ESXi7, and I will be installing AlmaLinux from the iso: AlmaLinux-9.5-x86_64-dvd.iso VM Configuration Setup You will… read more…
Failed to start The PHP FastCGI Process Manager
I am running MythTV on CentOS7 as per MythTV on CentOS 7 and it has been running fine and for no particular reason after cloning the VM it would not start FPM. When I cloned the VM I selected “I moved it” so it should have just worked. FPM is installed as a service and uses… read more…
Cannot mount block device : Error mounting CentOS share on OMV
I needed to have a scheduled job to copy files from my MythTV server to my Open Media Vault server, but when I tried to mount the Samba/SMB share I got the following: root@nas2:/mnt# mount -t cifs \\\\\\public /mnt/ -o domain=CANTABRIAN,user=backup,pass=mypassword mount: block device \\\public is write-protected, mounting read-only mount: cannot mount block device \\\public… read more…
Installing Tomcat 9 behind Apache on CentOS 7
There are a number of posts on how to do this. I have created this post mostly for my own records so I know I will continue to have a record of what I have done. Setup Ensure you have at least JDK 8, I have the RPM “java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64” installed by this point. Create a… read more…
CentOS 7 VM for WordPress and MythTV – Post install setup
In the post CentOS 7 base VM for WordPress and MythTV I described how to create a base CentOS 7 VM. This post describes follows on from that post and describes the post installation tasks to make the VM a good solid base for me to run WordPress or MythTV. When setting up a Linux server… read more…
Rename a CentOS 7 host
Simple and official way to rename a host: hostnamectl set-hostname centos7-base.cantabrian Then restart the host. You should find the new name is reflected in the file: /etc/hostname Note: You only need to edit “/etc/resolv.conf ” if you are changing workgroups or domains. Get hostname details You can use hostnamectl to get other details by running:… read more…
Low Disk Space on “boot”
If you have ever got this popup warning on CentOS/RedHat 7 this post may help. This happened to me and when I looked at “/boot” it looked like: You can see there is the current kernel and three previous kernels to choose from: CentOS Linux (3.10.0-957.27.2.el7.x86_64) 7 (Core) CentOS Linux (3.10.0-957.21.3.el7.x86_64) 7 (Core) CentOS Linux… read more…
CentOS 7 + PHP 7.2 + Python 3.6 + Apache 2.4
I am setting up a new CentOS 7 server, in 2019, because I want a long life public facing WordPress host that I can update easily. For example when the “Heartbleed” security bug, in the OpenSSL cryptography library, was discovered you needed to update your SSL install. This proved to be a major problem for… read more…
CentOS 7 base VM for WordPress and MythTV
I have two primary servers I use all the time, the first is the WordPress VM which run the Zoyinc website and secondly a VM that runs MythTV. Both are currently running Fedora – WordPress is on F18 and MythTV is on F16. These were installed in July 2012 and February 2011 respectively. So pretty… read more…