

  • This file exceeds the maximum upload size for this site

    This is related to the WordPress error you may get when trying to upload a file greater than 2MB: While you can install plugins to get around this I found this did not work for me and I then got the error: My install of WordPress or more specifically PHP follows the instructions in CentOS… read more…

    This file exceeds the maximum upload size for this site
  • Archiving CD artwork

    The goal when I archive CDs is to get the best possible digital quality from my CDs and be protected against the loss of my collection. I don’t have as big a collection as many but I like most of the CDs I have got and I don’t want to have to hunt for them… read more…

    Archiving CD artwork
  • Run ESX from USB on old HP desktop

    I have running VMware ESXi servers for years, sometimes at work on servers but recently at home on a whole bunch of older desktop machines. Not too many problems and when I did have problems it was usually about an unsupported network adaptor. Just a few weeks ago I tried to run ESX from USB… read more…

    Run ESX from USB on old HP desktop
  • Have a primary background image that stretches

    So you want your main background image of your website to stretch so that if someone uses it on a large display it won’t look funny at the edges. Resolution This resolution may require Weaver Ii Pro, so sorry if you just have the free version of the Weaver II theme. Select: Appearance | Weaver… read more…