

  • Electric Trains Testing On The Western Line

    Not sure if it’s official but the Auckland Transport electric trains are currently testing on the western line as you can see in the above photo. From reports it sounds like they may have started test from around September we only took these pictures at the end of November 2014. We live pretty close to… read more…

    Electric Trains Testing On The Western Line
  • Stop WordPress adding <p> tags for new lines

    Overview When you do a  new line in WordPress, at least when using the CKEditor, it adds a paragraph tag, “<p>” and “</p> around your text thus: <p> Line one </p> <p> Line two </p> <p> Line three </p> <p> &nbsp; </p> Resolution Instead of pressing <Enter> you should press <Shift><Enter> and in then you… read more…

    Stop WordPress adding <p> tags for new lines