

  • [L] – WordPress UAM Locked Post

    I recently started seeing “[L]” at the end of all my WordPress post titles: This was very strange and I searched high and low until I found the following post in the WordPress forums for User Access Manager: UAM Multiple “L” indications in header and subhttps://wordpress.org/support/topic/uam-multiple-l-indications-in-header-and-sub/ I have to say not that obvious…….. In my… read more…

    [L] – WordPress UAM Locked Post
  • WordPress style name not visible

    In WordPress block themes you can set the style for the site using “Styles”. By clicking on “Styles” and then selecting “Browse styles”, you can see a list of the available styles. When you do this you can only see the list of styles, with the font and colors associated with those styles, but you… read more…

    WordPress style name not visible
  • Display MythTV filename in Kodi

    I use MythTV as my media center and PVR and Kodi on Windows as my frontend. In an effort to organize my recordings and utilize subtitles, I needed to update the MythTV recordings metadata. For my situation the only practical and “supported” way to update metadata is via the MythTV frontend. My plan of attack… read more…

    Display MythTV filename in Kodi