

  • Open VMware remote console from url

    If like me you run a lot of stuff in ESX, then you will know that you can open up the console in the remote This is very handy and opens up VMware Player connected to your VM in ESX. This gives a much better experience than using it through a browser: As handy as… read more…

    Open VMware remote console from url
  • Dr Who season list for MythTV

    This is a list, for myself, of a mapping of actual seasons to season numbers I use in MythTV. This is necessary because Doctor Who went from seasons to series and MythTV only has one field. This means the latest “Series” will have different Season numbers to those expected – the world is an imperfect… read more…

    Dr Who season list for MythTV
  • This file exceeds the maximum upload size for this site

    This is related to the WordPress error you may get when trying to upload a file greater than 2MB: While you can install plugins to get around this I found this did not work for me and I then got the error: My install of WordPress or more specifically PHP follows the instructions in CentOS… read more…

    This file exceeds the maximum upload size for this site
  • Display Year In MythTV Recordings

    If using the “MythCenter 1.4” theme for Myth Frontend then when looking at PVR recordings it only displays the “Short Date”. The short date is just the day and month, it does not include the year. Thus it looks like: So in the above case for “Asterix and Obelix – Mansion of the Gods” the… read more…

    Display Year In MythTV Recordings
  • Display MythTV filename in Kodi

    I use MythTV as my media center and PVR and Kodi on Windows as my frontend. In an effort to organize my recordings and utilize subtitles, I needed to update the MythTV recordings metadata. For my situation the only practical and “supported” way to update metadata is via the MythTV frontend. My plan of attack… read more…

    Display MythTV filename in Kodi
  • Enabling copy and paste in ESX VM

    I really wanted copy and paste between Windows and VMs running in ESX. This is what finally worked for me. Note this was for ESX “6.0.0 Update 3 (Build 5050593)”. I was using VMware Workstation 16 Player “16.1.2 build-17966106” on Windows 10. Also, this only worked when I ran “Console | Launch remote console”. It… read more…

    Enabling copy and paste in ESX VM
  • OKD 4.5 small cluster on ESX

    I needed to create a small OKD/OpenShift setup so I could play around with it and get comfortable with using it, developing on it and administering it. Additionally I wanted it to be somewhat similar in setup to what we do at work. This was originally based on the excellent post by Craig Robinson, but… read more…

    OKD 4.5 small cluster on ESX
  • Restored OKD Cluster Not Starting

    I run my OKD cluster on a set of VMs in VMware ESXi. My backups consist of shutting down all VMs and then copying them somewhere else – so full shutdown and backup. The cluster setup was done using the steps outlined in OKD 4.5 small cluster on ESX. This has worked well and I… read more…

    Restored OKD Cluster Not Starting
  • Enable ssh in and out of ESX

    By default an ESX server doesn’t allow you to ssh to it or ssh from it to another host. Being able to ssh to an ESX host can be very useful to do base unix functions including moving files around and so on. Being able to ssh out and in particular to another ESX host… read more…

    Enable ssh in and out of ESX
  • MythTV add-on for Kodi hangs at 0%

    Around about the 26/3/2021 the Windows 10 MythTV add-on for Kodi stopped working. I had seen similar problem before, Kodi MythTV addon fails to load except this time it didn’t load at all whereas previously it was stuck loading at around 40%. This time around it didn’t seem to connect to the MythTV server at… read more…

    MythTV add-on for Kodi hangs at 0%